New Patients
We are glad that you have selected us for your health concern. Please take the time to fill out our intake forms before your appointment. They are available in pdf for download or we can have them printed for you at our office. If you are seeing us for injuries related to a car accident we ask that you please click the "Car Accident Form" link (You need not fill out the last 2 pages)
Exercise Handouts
If we have assigned you a regimen of exercises and you've lost the form, FEAR NOT! Below are links to all our exercises handouts. Please keep in mind that there may be exercises that Dr. Monsalve has omitted from your program. If you cannot remember if there were any exercises omitted from your program please give us a call.
Most insurance plans are accepted at our office.
No Insurance
For patients who have little or no insurance coverage, flexible payment programs can be arranged.
Family Plans
Our focus at Monsalve Integrative Health is to actively help you and your family in taking responsibility for your health, wellness, and disease management.
Health on a Budget
At Monsalve Integrative Health, we're convinced that a small amount of your time and money to care for your most important asset--your health--will be far less time consuming and expensive than trying to recover it.